LGBTQ 101 Part Two

Hi everyone, welcome back. We're now going to discuss definitions of the LGBTQ community, symbols important to the community, inclusivity, civil rights, legal rights, and more. IV-LGBTQ Definitions Before we delve further into the LGBTQ community, I believe it’s important to define the letters in the acronym. What do those letters stand for? The identifiers are: Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Sometimes the Q is representative of the word “questioning”, for those who are researching the orientations to find how they identify. It is believed that 10% of the population is LGBT. Of that 10%, 1% identify as Q or queer. "LGBT and Q" by Esperanza Habla However, in the millennial generation, 20% of people identify as LGBTQ. In fact, in a recent study, 1% of children ages 9-10 already self-identify as being ...