
Showing posts from July, 2016

The Long Lost Poem

Archiving one's written work is a wonderful thing. Reading my own words in the form of a book is an all encompassing feeling. It validates everything I have gone through to arrive at where I am. It confirms every thought and emotion that went in to writing each and every poem. All at once makes thoughts and feelings in the book tangible. It makes them real. As I have written here, I see myself as a librarian of my own written work, the keeper of my archive of material. I have published two books of my written material to date, "I am Hope" and "The Bigger Picture." In an effort to weed through the scores of e-mail messages I have collected in the archive, I discovered a long lost poem. It is clear to me that I wrote it, though I do not remember writing it. Reading the words in this poem, I am instantly transported in time, taken back to when I wrote it. I wrote this poem in 2012, in the wake of a horrible break up of a relationship. The poem is almost a

Mother of Three

Dreams can come true. I am living proof of that. My dream of becoming a published author has come true. In 2013  I formed my publishing company, La Luna Press, L.L.C.  In April of 2015 I published my first book, “I am Hope.” In February of this year I published “I am Hope” in the Spanish language, under the title “Soy Esperanza.” I have just had another dream come true. When I set out to make my dream come true, I did not realize that a dream could come true more than once. Every time  I publish a book, this dream to be a published author comes true all over again. When I published my first book, I wrote how the creative process can be compared to giving birth to a child. There is a gestation period, a natural evolutionary process that occurs. Once the creation is ready, it is birthed into the world. With that analogy in mind, it is my immense pleasure to share with you that I am now a proud mother of three. My latest book of poetry, “The Bigger Picture”, is available