The Rally at the Garden

The Nazi rallies held in Charlottesville, North Carolina in 2017 horrified the nation. White men marched on the city, carrying tiki torches, chanting Nazi slogans, spreading their hateful rhetoric of white supremacy. Nothing like that had ever happened in my lifetime. Never in the history of the United States had the Nazis had such a rally, on such a national platform. Or so I thought. I saw a movie recently which reveals this to be entirely untrue. I normally post movie reviews on my movie blog, "Flick Picks" Yet this movie demands to be known. “A Night at the Garden” is archival footage from an event at Madison Square Garden in New York City, held on February 20, 1939. An early scene of the film shows the marquee of the Garden, which reads “Pro American Rally.” It was, in actuality, a Nazi rally. There were over 20,000 people in attendance that night. They were there to support the “German America...