Keep Calm

Hello everyone, I am writing from the comfort of my home, a rarity these days. However, for the foreseeable future, it is the new normal. I am on day ten of a new social construct in society- social distancing. Let me go back and recount the last two weeks. I believe it was Monday March 9 when one of the school districts in Indianapolis was closing for three weeks to prevent the spread of the virus. Two days later, Wednesday March 11, my library branch had a two hour meeting about COVID19, the corona virus. Thursday March 12 the largest school district in Indianapolis closed to prevent the virus. The next day, Friday March 13, my library announced that it would be closing for three weeks, a preventative measure which could be extended if need be. The last day the library was open was Saturday, March 14. On that Saturday I decided to go out and get some groceries. I also went to my favorite pizza place and got a pizza. It’s a small, local restaurant, with no de...