Racial Reckoning

The times they are a changing. I'm sure you've noticed it too. News of a racial reckoning has come from the most innocuous of places of late-streaming media. The Disney company made headlines when it launched episodes of “The Muppet Show” on its Disney Plus service. The controversy: eighteen episodes now have a disclaimer about racially offensive content. The disclaimer reads, in part: "This program includes negative depictions of/and or mistreatment of people and cultures. These stereotypes were wrong then, and they are wrong now. Rather than remove this content, we want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it and spark conversation to create a more inclusive future together." https://www.vulture.com/2021/02/18-muppet-show-episodes-have-a-content-warning-on-disney-plus.html When I first heard this story, I was shocked. I could not imagine anything offensive about the show. “The Muppet Show” was a staple of my childhood, as it was for millions of children who...