Masked and Vaxed

Hello there, I have big news to share. I have finally reached a new milestone in my life: I am fully vaccinated. I had my Covid-19 vaccination on Friday of Memorial Day Weekend. I timed it perfectly. I had Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off of work, which I thought would serve me well if I had any adverse reactions. Friday night I drove home from work and noticed that my arm hurt. I also noticed that I was experiencing chills; it felt like I needed to put on a sweater, which I ended up doing when I arrived home. I had goose bumps all night. Saturday morning I woke up with a headache, and took a pain reliever. I had some chills, though I no longer had goose bumps. I felt stiff throughout the day. Not exactly achy, but not my normal self either. I felt fatigued as well, and ended up sleeping through most of the day. Sunday morning I woke up and discovered I had a fever that had broken overnight. I felt fatigued, and again slept through the majority of the day. Monday morning I was back...