Sally's Shoes

Hello friend, how are you? How’ve you been? I've been well, thanks for asking. I’m writing today because I have an incredibly profound story to share with you. While you may choose to not believe it, I assure you it is one hundred percent true. I’ve been waiting to tell this story for months. I can’t not share it with you. Last year I wrote about attending the Van Gogh exhibit and mentioned the artists whose work resonates with me. There is one artist in particular whose artwork I collect. He’s a prolific artist that works in a variety of mediums: prints, canvases, metal art, jewelry, figurines, ornaments, and more. I have been a collector of this artist’s work for more than a decade. I have a friend that appreciates the work of this artist as well. I have given her two ornaments from this artist in the past. This past fall, I had the thought of purchasing an art print for my friend as a Christmas gift. I scoured the artist’s website until I found a print that I thought would be...