Lessons from the Year 2022

Hi there friend, It’s the time of year when I look back on the year that has been, and the lessons learned from the year. So here then are my Lessons from the Year 2022: -The country looks phenomenally different in the pandemic, even two years later. https://letrasalaluna.blogspot.com/2022/02/two-years-later.html -I am still opposed to the war in Ukraine. I can’t believe that we're coming up on a year of war. https://letrasalaluna.blogspot.com/2022/03/ukraine.html -While I have many I have completed, I have several journals more to go. https://letrasalaluna.blogspot.com/2022/04/journals.html -Triggers are still a factor for me. I am now very careful about what I will watch, and what I won’t. https://letrasalaluna.blogspot.com/2022/05/triggers.html -There are too many mass shooting incidents in this country. One incident is too many. While gun legislation has passed, mass shootings continue to happen. Lord help us. https://letrasalaluna.bl...