Digital Dilemma

As anyone that knows me can tell you, I am a consumer of media. I listen to music, I watch streaming movies and television, and other digital content. I own several titles of music on CD and own a great deal more that I’ve purchased through my digital music subscription. I also own movies on DVD and Blu Ray formats and own a great deal more on digital media. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to tell you that I own 30 DVDs, and even more shows on digital. I have feature films, movies, documentaries, TV shows, Christmas specials, and more. I tend to buy musicals, like “Jesus Christ Superstar” on Blu Ray, as the picture and audio quality is phenomenally better than DVD or digital format. A few years ago, I began donating my DVDs to my local library. There are many movies that I love, with certain scenes that are special to me. But, several of those movie clips are available to watch on YouTube. So why keep a DVD of a movie because you like one or two scenes? Once I had donated several DVDs, ...