
Showing posts from June, 2024

Stream of Consciousness

 The following is a letter to the moon, an unfinished stream of consciousness.  March 25, 2024 Dear Luna, Hello dear friend. How are you? I hope you’ve been well. How is Sally? Please give her my love. Things are crazy here Luna. War has broken out in another country on the Earth. Countless innocent people, men, women, and children, have been slaughtered. Famine and other insidious horrors of war continue to spread.  One cannot comprehend the devastation, the desperation for peace. Hundreds have been taken hostage. Their loved ones live in agony as they await their safe return, or any information on their whereabouts or wellbeing.  The terror of those stuck in the situation is a constant presence. Numerous human rights have been violated. One American soldier serving in the area set him self on fire, protesting the acts being perpetrated. I cannot fathom the horror and devastation occurring on a daily basis.  Acts of terror are happening on a daily basis. In recent days, around 100 peo