New Year's Moon

New Year’s Moon
(A letter to the moon)

Hello there Luna. Happy New Year! How were your holidays? I hope that they were wonderful. As the holidays approached, I found I was feeling a lot of stress, which is unusual for me. I do not know what precipitated my feeling that way. 

However, it seemed that every time I watched the news there were stories of civil unrest, racial tension, public protest, fighting between nations, tales of plague and death. At my workplace, tempers got shorter and shorter as the days wore on. In a time of peace and love towards one another, the stress all got to be too much for me. 

Thankfully, in the hours leading up to Christmas, I could feel the stress slipping away from me. I felt a new sense of relaxation and calm. I was quite glad of that.

Thank you for your visit Thursday night. It was so good to see you on the first night of the New Year! I know you were not in your full moon stage yet, but in the dark winter sky, your light shone brightly for the whole universe to see. I remember looking up and seeing a pink halo around you as your light broke through the clouds. I cannot remember ever seeing anything like it. You looked absolutely beautiful Luna.

I then noticed the clouds passing overhead quickly, like a herd of wild stallions racing across the nighttime sky. When they came upon you, they diverted their path around you. You stayed there, a beacon of light, defiant and steadfast.

Thank you for coming for a visit on the first night of the first New Year. After your visit I was enveloped with a feeling of excitement for the year to come. I have so much to do this year. I know you will be with me every step of the way.

Happy New Year Luna. See you soon.
