Strawberry Moon

Strawberry Moon
(A letter to the Moon)

Hello Luna! How are you? Happy summer! How have you been? You have been in the news a great deal over the last week. Have your ears been burning?

The news has been reporting about you for over a week now. When you went into your full state on Monday night, it was supposed to be a sight to behold. Astronomers said it was a rarity to see you that day, because it was the summer solstice. 

I also heard that to see you on Monday night would be rare because you would have a rose colored hue in the nighttime sky. It was said that this phenomenon was rarer than a blue moon-when you show two full moon phases in one month. That must be where that idiom comes from, “once in a blue moon.”

I was so looking forward to seeing you on Monday night. But, it was not to be. The day had been dark and stormy; the night proved to be so as well. The sky was full of clouds. There was no way I could see you.

But I saw you the next night. I couldn’t believe it. I got up off the couch to go to bed, and there you were, right in the middle of my window. It was wonderful to see you. You were beautiful that night! Your light lit up the entire night sky!

I have to admit that I missed seeing you on Monday, seeing your rosy glow. But I saw some photos of you that night…

When I saw the photos, I saw they were referring to you as a Strawberry Moon. I began to research where this name came from; it comes from the Algonquin Indians, who would harvest strawberries this time of year.

As I did my research, I learned there is a special name for every full moon phase of the year! What an honor that must be, to have your full phases honored and remembered with a name. I’m going to do more research on that.

I think that sounds like a wonderful project for next year-to write about the different full moons every month, and what the names mean. I like that idea. I can see it now-“A Year of Moons.” I’ll get to work on it.

It was wonderful to see you again Luna, to talk to you for a while. Take care my friend. Talk to you soon.

