Comfort and Joy

I finally got my Christmas shopping done. I am normally one of those people that do their Christmas shopping early, finishing in June or July, well ahead of the Christmas rush. I used to love to shop throughout the year, to find just the perfect present for everyone on my Christmas list.

I used to love having Christmas gifts purchased months in advance. I say I used to love it because I have not purchased Christmas gifts all year round for quite some time now. Now that I am a publisher, I look at the calendar year in terms of publishing an upcoming book, which takes months of time and effort and planning.

I pick a month as a goal to have my cover art done, another month of the year to have the draft of the book done, and a final month as a publishing date. Before I know it, the book is published, it is suddenly Christmastime, and I have no gifts purchased.

When December rolls along, and when I realize that I have no Christmas gifts purchased, that realization sends me into a small panic. I used to be more in control of my time. I used to have a handle on this. How did I get so behind? How can 
I not have gifts for anyone?

In looking at this reaction, it is clear that I was unknowingly adding stress to my life. I always want to find the perfect gift for everyone. Many of us feel this way around the holidays: the Christmas meal has to be perfect. The presents have to be perfect. The church service has to be perfect. The tree lighting has to be perfect. The food has to be perfect. Time with family and friends has to be perfect.

Why does everything have to be perfect? Why does the gift have to be perfect? Why does the meal have to be perfect? Why can we not relax during the season? Why can we not spend the holidays as we chose to, and let things be?

I have felt differently this Christmas season. Everything is different. The atmosphere of my country is different. The future of my country is unclear. Many are fearful of the unknown. The possibilities could be horrific.

I myself am different this year. Even my writing is different. For weeks I have put pen to paper, to explore and express thoughts and ideas, yet the ideas did not come together. I refer to this part of the writing process as having the stars align. The stars have not aligned for me for weeks.

As I have begun my yearly tradition of listening to Christmas carols, a particular phrase from the carol “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” has reverberated in my head: “Tidings of great comfort and joy.”

Comfort and joy. That is what this season is supposed to be about. It is not about making the holidays perfect. It is not about giving gifts. It is about finding comfort and joy for ourselves, and to share it with one another and the world.

I am consciously choosing to push away the stress of this time of year. I am seeking the comfort and the joy of the Christmas season. I love looking at Christmas trees, their vibrant lights piercing the darkness, sending elegant Christmas cards to my friends and family, curling up on my couch with a cup of hot chocolate, (my favorite winter beverage), a warm blanket, and a cat (or two) on my lap, and watching hours of Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel, Amazon Video and Netflix. Those things bring comfort and joy to my world.

This holiday season, take time to discover what brings you comfort, to find what brings you joy. Relish in it. Let it wash over you. Then share this comfort and joy with one another. Let us all fill the world with comfort and joy.

