Broad Brushes

The United States is currently a divided nation. Close to half of the population of the United States cast their vote for the current President. However, more than half of the U.S. did not. While the other candidate won the popular vote, our current President won the electoral vote. Unfortunately, the current President ran his campaign-and won the election-on a platform of racial bias and hate. One of the tools that the President uses in his arsenal of hatred is broad brush statements. What is a broad brush statement? It is a term for making a broad statement with little regard to details or facts. It is likened to the imagery of using a large paint brush to apply paint to a large area. It is important to note that not all broad brush statements convey messages of hatred. It is also important to note that not all broad brush statements are true. For example, I could make a statement saying “All women eat tacos.” Or, “All men wear purple.” These are broad brush statements. ...