Made of Music

Made of Music (A Letter to the Moon) Hello Luna, my old friend. How are you? I am sorry that has been so long since I have written you. I have had a very busy this year. I have been writing on my blog, and I have taken some online classes. I took a Spanish culture class, a class about global communication, and a course on how to write a short story. I am now taking a class about being mindful in the workplace. In addition to taking the online classes, I have been writing about you! I began a “Moons of the Year” series every month in which I write your full moon phase. I write about the name of the moon, the origin of the name and its meaning. I do not always receive comments about my writing. However, people have been reaching out to me to tell me how much they have loved reading the series. It seems that there are many selenophiles out there in the world. "Selenophile definition" by Esperanza Habla I have also been very busy this year working on my next bo...