Student of Life

In my job at the library, I have been encouraged to engage in learning activities. I have taken several classes online, encompassing several topics. In taking these classes, learning new information, it has initiated a desire in me to continue to learn new things. Looking back, I suppose I have always been a student of life. I have always had a curiosity about the world around me. I have always loved music. As I listen to a piece of music, I am subconsciously listening to the nuances in sound, paying attention to the lyrics, noticing the changing of keys, the harmony, the instrumentation, the differences in styles. When I watch a movie, I cannot help but notice the numerous parts that make up a scene-the look of the film, the music accompanying the scene, the way an actor moves within the scene, the motivation of the characters, the story being told, the performance the actor gives. When I began my writing career and began to have an online presence, I met ma...