Lucky Number Seven

Lucky Number Seven Or Filling the Clock Hello all, I have exciting news to share with you. I have just published my latest book, “The Written Word." This is my fifth book published in English, and my seventh book published to date, with two previous titles published in Spanish. In this instance, I suppose you could call it my lucky number seven. Life has thrown me some curve balls this year. I am very late in publishing this book. However, I give myself a year to publish each book. I knew that, if I could get it published by New Year’s Eve, I’d be in good stead. I’m already at work on next year’s book, title upcoming. My first book, “I am Hope”, was published in 2014. It surprises me that now, five years later, I am publishing my seventh book. Back when I was a writer dreaming of publishing my work, I started with one book. It literally took baby steps to get the job done. The possibilities loomed ahead of me; for months I was plagued w...