A Face of Ace

Hello there, my name is Esperanza Habla. And I am a Face of Ace. Today is the last day of Pride month. As such, I thought I would take a moment to talk about my experiences after coming out. When I came out as demisexual three years ago, I had no idea how my life would change. I never dreamed of the responsibilities inherent in coming out, nor the opportunities that would come my way. Before I knew how I identify, I had always thought of coming out as a one time event, as when friends had come out to me. However LGBTQIA+ people can come out several times in their lives. When I share my truth with someone, that is another coming out. I think I have come out a dozen times. When a person comes out, they then become a representation-or face-of that orientation or identity. For example, when Janelle Monae came out as pansexual, her announcement broke the internet; millions went online to find the definition for the orientation. When people think of celebrities who are LGBTQIA+, it becomes e...