Something New

 Something New
(A letter to the moon)
Hiya Luna, dear friend. How are you? How are things? I hope you have been well. How is our friend Sally? Please give her my regards.
For me, things are moving at an accelerated pace, which is quite unusual for my life. I’m putting the finishing touches on my next book, “Look to the Light.” I hope to have it out soon!
Things have changed at work as well. I have had a job change recently, a temporary change. I’m helping out in another department, as they have someone who is ill and out on medical leave. 

I have temporarily stepped up into this new position, and am glad to do so. I’m learning how to do their job, while doing mine at the same time. It has been a lot to juggle at times. But, it’s been over a month now. I know what I’m doing, and am able to do the job in an efficient and timely manner.
While I’ve done my job for over 25 years, I have never done this new job before; it's completely new to me, in every sense of the word. I knew the other department needed help, so I dove in. I didn't hesitate. I dove in the pool, knowing instinctively it would work out alright. I know how to swim, and I've been with my employer almost 30 years. 

Things are quite different for me. Instead of being on the front lines of service for our organization, I'm in an office for most of the day. There is lots to do, as the job is a step up in responsibility. 

As I’ve never done the job before, I had to reach out for guidance from others. I couldn’t know what the job entails, or what was expected of me, without reaching out and asking for help.

This new job is very different from what I normally do. That being said, I’m excited to be learning something new. I’ve always been a student for life, one who loves to learn new things. It’s all new to me, and the difference is exciting.

I’m learning on the job, which is great training. It will also look good on my resume, to have new job experience. It will also look great on my quarterly and annual reviews! 

I have to say, I do like the challenge of learning an entirely new job without knowing the first thing about it. My friends say it's going quite well. In fact, they have said I'm "coming into my own," which speaks volumes.
As I've been doing this new job for a time, the passage of time has been interesting to me. The days go so fast for me, doing this new job. I get so engrossed in a project that I lose track of the time. Before I know it, it’s time to go home! In my everyday job, there’s lots of down time, to read, write, browse the internet, read the news, etc. That isn’t the case with this job. It’s been frustrating to not have time to read, to write. Yet, this just another thing I have to juggle in my day. I’ll have to find time for it, at lunch, or at home after work.
Well my friend, I will let you go. I just had to let you know the latest going on in my life.
Take care love. I’ll let you know when the book’s published.
Talk soon my friend,

