Big News

 "Big News"-a Letter to the Moon

Hi there Luna, How are you? How are things? You looked absolutely beautiful in your full moon state this month! How is our friend Sally? It's hard to believe she moved there ten years ago. Please give her my love.

Things are fine here. The world is still in the midst of a global pandemic. So much has changed in the past eighteen months. Thinking back to the early days of the pandemic, no one knew what we were dealing with. In March 2020 I went into lockdown, which lasted nine weeks. 

Returning to work was a scary proposition. In the library, we offered curbside services for a month or more before we opened. When we finally did open to the public, we limited the number of people in the building, and asked people to keep their visits to an hour.

Things changed for me as well in that time. When I was at home for nine weeks, I wrote and published a blog once a week. I also began work on my next book, "Look to the Light." When I returned back to work, I continued to write and work on the book for a time; however, after a while, the pressures of the pandemic became too great. I had to put the book away for a while, and concentrate on life. 

Fast forward a year, and life is somewhat back to normal. If “normal” even exists anymore. And I have big news to share: the book is finally done!! It's available now, exclusively on Amazon. Check it out!

I even made a book trailer for it:

This is my eighth book to date, my sixth published in English. I'm so excited that the book is out and finally done. It's so important to me that I did it. Publishing a book is an accomplishment to be sure. To self-publish one in a pandemic is a further achievement.


A friend and I were having a conversation last week about the creative process, specifically about how wonderful it feels to have created a piece of art. There’s such a feeling of accomplishment when completing a project that took weeks and months.

My friend then compared the creative process to giving birth. In that comparison, this book is my eight child. I'm building quite a family for myself! 
I then came to see how rare it is, to create something out of nothing. Whether it’s a piece of embroidery, a painting, a glass mosaic, or a book, artists create. The thing we have created is now a tangible thing in the world. It wouldn't exist without us. I now see what an amazing thing it is to create something from absolutely nothing.
I felt a little discouraged that I didn’t get my book published last year. Since publishing my first book, “I am Hope” in 2015, last year was the first year I didn't publish a book.
But, publishing a book a year is my timeline. It's a manageable goal, to do a book a year, to give me time to get everything done, from the interior file to the cover art design to the book trailer.
I just couldn't do it last year. It was just too much pressure to get it done. I had to put the project on pause. I also had to give myself a break, and some grace, for not getting the book done on my manufactured time table.
That being said, everything happened as it was meant to. Giving myself more time on the book gave me breathing room, time to devote the and time and attention the project needed.
I have to tell you Luna, I'm so excited that the book is done, and that I can finally share it with you! It means so much that the project is done, and that I did it. Last year was a setback. The world turned upside down. I had to do this, to publish the book, not to prove it to anyone else but myself.
Well, I'll draw this letter to a close. I just had to write and share this news with you. Once you get the book, and get some time to read it, please let me know your thoughts. I'd love to hear your feedback. 
Talk to you soon Luna.
All my love,
