Hello Luna

Hello Luna, My dear friend, how are you? How have you been? I hope you've been well. I'm sorry I've not written in so long. I've been hard at work on my next book. The working title is: "Ultraviolet." I'm a little behind, in comparison to last year. But, I have plenty of time left this year to still get it done. Luna, my friend, I have so much to share with you. But, I haven't written you because I haven't felt safe to do so. It sounds foolish, to say that I haven't felt safe to write to you. After all, we've been friends for years. I know I can trust you. I feel safe telling you anything and everything. It has nothing to do with you, please know that. This was all about me. I haven't felt safe at all of late. I haven't shared this with you, Luna, because, honestly, I didn't know how. I can't go into any detail right now, as the situation is not resolved. I haven't felt safe to share what happened at all. In...