Corner of the Sky

"Corner of the Sky" Or "Eclipse 2024" The date will go down in history, in my corner of the world-April 8, 2024. The date of the latest visible solar eclipse. I’ve always been interested in the universe. I come by it naturally. When I was in elementary school, we went to the local high school to watch a presentation in their planetarium. We learned about the universe, the stars, constellations, and more. Simply put, I was star struck. (Pun unintended.) A few years later I was a student at the high school, and was employed at the planetarium. It was a pleasure to perform the show I had seen years before, to introduce children to the constellations. It was a magical thing to witness, the complete awe and wonder in a child's face as stories of myths and legends came to life in the nighttime sky. * Because of the orbits of the Earth, Moon, and Sun, eclipses happen every eighteen months. However, most often than not, the eclipses occur over water, where no one can...