Hello Sally, my dear friend. How are you? I trust our friend Luna is keeping you well. I had to write to you today. You left us three years ago today. I remember it as if it happened last week. I have thought about you a lot in the last few weeks. One of the ladies we worked with in the library will soon be on her journey to heaven, will soon begin her metamorphosis into radiant light. It made me think of you, the letters I sent you, the cards I sent you, during your illness, leading up to your metamorphosis into light. I want to send our friend a letter, to let her know she is in my thoughts. However, she and I are not close like you and I were. I found myself asking my friends and family what to write her. What do you say, what do you write in your last letter to someone? I think I have found something to write her about. Someone recently asked about her in the library. I think I will share that story with her. I know it will cheer her. I have really missed you S