Marriage Equality

Today has been a historic day for my state, Indiana. Today, after years of fighting for marriage equality, everyone in my state is allowed to get married. This is a victory for same-sex couples around my state, and a victory for everyone. The fight for marriage equality came to a head in the last year in the state legislature. I did not get to attend any of the hearings on the issue, I did not testify before lawmakers. However I wrote letters to my legislators, and donated money to campaigns to bring about equality in my state. As you may have read on this blog, I recently participated in my first gay pride parade. The topic of marriage equality was on everyone’s lips that day. As an ally, I am happy that equal rights have been granted to everyone in my state. I pray that the same rights are afforded to everyone around the world. When rights are denied to anyone in a society, everyone loses. Congratulations to all of the warriors who fought for this victory-everyone ...