You Never Know

Inspiration is like a butterfly. If you chase it, it runs away from you. If you sit still, it will come to you. It can come to you, and leave you, at any time.

Inspiration can be found anywhere-in the lines of a movie, in the melody of a song, looking at a painting, gazing into the eyes of the one you love.

When I began my life as a writer four years ago, I was inundated with inspiration. I have been blessed in my friendships with artists around the world, from many artistic professions. Talking with them about their art projects has proved to be very inspirational for me.

I am often inspired by words, or a series of words. I can also be inspired by a concept or topic. Whenever I find inspiration, I immediately try to write it out. If a person inspired my writing, I always share it with them after it is written. It is a wonderful thing to be inspired by a circle of friends in an artistic community. To then create something that is truly your own, and to share the product of that inspiration, is uniquely fulfilling.

I have always been on the receiving end of inspiration. I have never been its source. Until recently.

One of my artist friends lives in my town and comes to my library.  He is a writer too; a playwright, to be exact. Over the years he has shared his artistic projects with me, I have shared my journey from writer to business owner to self-published author with him. On a recent interaction, this fellow writer surprised me. He said that I actually inspired him.

I could not believe it when he told me that. I thought to myself: “Me? Are you being serious? I inspired you? How could 
I have inspired you?” I immediately asked him how I had inspired him.

He said that he was inspired by my example, that I created my own publishing company and have worked for the last fifteen months and have published a collection of my poetry. He then said that he now wants to change his plays into novels, and wants to publish his writing himself, through his own publishing company, as I have done.

I immediately thanked him for telling me that I am an inspiration to him and wished him luck on this future artistic endeavor. I offered my guidance if he needs help forming his business, or doing any of the other myriad of tasks needed to publish a book.

I was surprised to hear that I was an inspiration to this playwright. Beyond that, I was stunned and shocked. I felt so humbled to be the source of his inspiration. I also felt proud. It was a full circle moment for me; I was able to help and inspire a fellow artist as I have been helped and inspired by other artists in the past. It has been wonderful to find inspiration in others. To be the source of inspiration for someone else is an immense honor.

My brain has been entwined in thoughts since that moment. I remembered something my muse once told me:

“You must continue to write. 
You are a shining light. Shine your light. 
You never know where your light will shine. 
You never know who will see your light 
and be inspired by you.”

We all have the capability to be a source of inspiration for one another. Open yourself up to receive the gift of inspiration. You may shortly receive the gift of someone telling you that you are the source of theirs. 

My muse said it to me; I will now say it to you…

You are a shining light. Shine your light. You never know where your light will shine.                              


  1. Very inspirational! Thank you for sharing with me, I feel very honored.. maybe today can be a great day to be inspired and inspire.
    Thank you and congratulations fot this letters, I really liked :)

    Ah, and Annie Lennox is one of my favorite :)


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