Chinese New Year

Today begins the Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival. Like many Judaic and Islamic faiths, the Chinese New Year calendar is lunisolar calendar, meaning the months of the year are influenced on the phases of the moon and the sun. 

Chinese New Year is celebrated in China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, and in many Chinatown locations in the United States.

While in the Gregorian calendar the year is 2015, this New Year in the Chinese calendar is number 4712.The Chinese calendar began in the year 2637, BCE (Before Christian Era.)

There are 12 zodiac symbols that commemorate each New Year. The symbol for this year is the Ram (also translated into Sheep or Goat.) The year you were born is your zodiac sign. The animal of the year you were born controls your fortune. Here is a list of zodiac years…. well as the zodiac signs and their meanings….

Many celebrate the Chinese New Year by feasting with friends and family, paying homage to their ancestors, presenting children with red envelopes full of coins to wish luck and prosperity in the New Year.

For more information on the Chinese New Year, please click the links below….

Happy New Year to all who celebrate!
Gung hay fat choy!
