Red I Said

Are we drawn to colors? Are colors drawn to us? Do colors have a meaning? If so, what do they say about us?

For years now I have loved the color red. That may seem surprising to you, since I call myself the “Indigo Poet of the Moon.” But lately, red is it.

I cannot honestly tell you when this transition occurred. But I have been drawn, instinctively, for some time now, to the color red.

I have been naturally drawn to colors in the past. First I was drawn to the color pink, when my Mother was fighting breast cancer. Every October I wear as much pink as I can to spread awareness of the disease.

After that, when Esperanza Habla was born, I was drawn to the colors indigo and purple. Whenever I bought anything 
I was sure to get plenty of purple. I have many purple clothes. I have a purple watch. The background of my first blog is purple. The titles of all my writings here are in purple. The image of space on this blog is mainly purple. Purple is my signature color.

Now however, that has changed. The color of the moment, for me, is red. Many things I own are the color red. My winter coat is red. My gloves are red. My purse is red. My digital music device is red. My cellphone has a red case. I have red blouses. Even my car is red. Red is my thing.
For me, to own accessories that are red serves a practical purpose, that of greater visibility. If I am looking for something, in my purse or in my house, it is easier to find if it is red. Driving a red car has enhanced visibility as well; it is easy for other motorists to see my car, in the daytime and in the nighttime.

I have been intrigued about the color red, its true meaning, and why I am drawn to it. After doing some research on the subject, I have learned that the color red is the color of empowerment, strength, courage, energy, power, determination, passion, desire, joy, excitement and love. It is also a universal color of femininity.

I also read to add the color red into your life and your environment for:

  • increased enthusiasm and interest
  • more energy
  • action and confidence to go after your dreams

Given all of the meanings of the color red, if you see someone dressed in red, chances are they want you to notice them.

So I guess that, now that my favorite color is now red, that must mean that I am a vibrant, confident, independent, joyful, empowered woman. Those sound like wonderful adjectives to me. ;)

What is your favorite color? What does your favorite color say about you?

"Lady in Armchair" by Gustav Klimt
