The State of Things

The wheels of progress move so slowly some days. The wheels have begun to go in reverse today. Last year my state, Indiana, won the battle for same-sex marriage. It was a battle that was hard won and hard fought. The Indiana governor fought the vote in court. The case for same-sex marriage eventually went all the way to Supreme Court of the United States of America. The Supreme Court of the United States of American ruled that banning someone from getting married is discriminatory. This meant that same-sex marriage was now legal in Indiana. That was a glorious day in Indiana history, in the history of the nation. . As I have written here, I am an ally to the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender community (also known as LGBT.) Last year I marched as a part of a group of employees from my library system in the Indianapolis Gay Pride Parade…. I am an ally, an advocate for equality and civil rights for people of all colors...