A Visit from the Muse

I had a visit from my muse last night. The muse of poetry, Calliope.

This is not the first time Calliope has visited me….

Calliope met me as she always does, in the land of nod. She whispered words in my ear as I lay in bed. Glorious words, in dulcet tones.

As Calliope whispered her words to me my brain transcribed them, writing them in cursive script, in jet black ink, on crisp white pages of thought.

I remember three distinct, different poems being read to me, different topics, and different subjects. Some of the poems were in rhyming couplets, some in prose.

Of course, in truth, I do not know if my subconscious mind created those words and recited them to me, or if I really do have a muse that gives me inspiration.

Do the poems come from Calliope? Should she take the credit for what I physically write?

It is an interesting phenomenon, to have inspiration come when between the realms of awake and asleep. I remember seeing this interview with Paul McCartney in which he talks about how he wrote  the song “Yesterday”…..

When I originally saw this video, I could not understand what Paul McCartney was talking about. Now it makes complete sense to me.

Perhaps the poems I heard will come to me in thought and appear here. Perhaps they are for my brain alone. 

Time will tell.

I think I should keep a notebook by my bed to write down the words that come to me, from whatever source. Of course, if 
I wake myself up to write them down, I may lose the connection with my muse.

Thank you Calliope, wherever you are. Please visit again soon.

 “…I couldn’t have written it, 'cause I just dreamed it.”-Paul McCartney

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