
Hello everyone, last time I was here, I asked for questions from you, readers of this blog. As a result, I received a lot of bogus messages, which sent my junk mail filter into upheaval. I was able to receive some messages with questions, about writing, and my new book. As promised, here are the questions received, and answers. If your question is not here, I did not receive it. I apologize for the scrutiny of my junk mail filter.

I am an aspiring writer. How do I get started?

Well the obvious answer is to write. Write every day. Anything will do. Write a grocery list. Write a note of things to do in the coming week. Write a list of holiday activities. Write a bucket list, a list of things you want to do before you die. Write the lyrics of your favorite song. Write a list of things to do around the house. Write the yearnings of your heart. Write what you are thinking and feeling. Even if it is something for your eyes only, write it. Write something every day. A sentence or two every day will do wonders to get you in the habit. If you are writing now, the next step is to establish a readership. Start your own blog on Blogger or WordPress. Or, you can create your own website and domain name to share your writing. I built and designed my websites myself using Wix. Establishing a readership will help you with book sales.

Once your blog is live, create a presence on social media. Create accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. Participate in each social media platform as you wish. However, do not make everything you post all about you. Your friends and followers want to get to know you, the person behind the work. Do not inundate them with news about blog posts and book publications. For an example, take a look at my websites:

Also, if I may, I want to comment on that phrase, of being an “aspiring writer.” My thought is, if you are writing now, you are not aspiring writer, you are a writer period! You already have it within you to make your dream come true. So make it happen. Get busy writing!

Which is easier to publish, an e-book or an actual book?

I can tell you from experience that publishing an e-book is much easier to publish than an actual book. Everything is done on the computer, and is then transferred to computer or tablet via files. It is the easiest way to publish a book. That being said, I have heard people say, “Electronic books don’t count. I want to hold a book in my hand. Not this electronic stuff.” To be certain, there is nothing like holding a book in your hand. It is a sensory experience like no other. The touch of holding a book. Smelling the pages of a book. Holding a book close, taking it wherever you go. Reading it right before bedtime, relaxing the brain, making it easier to sleep. For delivery and publishing, e-books are definitely easier. However, print is my preferred method. It takes much longer and requires much more work, yet the end result is worth it.

The poems in your book are so vulnerable. Are you sure you want this information out in the world?

The majority of the poetry collected in my first book has already been shared with the world on my first blog, “Words of Hope.” It is already out there. Granted, the book is reaching a new set of readers, who perhaps haven’t read that blog. For me, that information has been out for a long time. It doesn’t hurt me to have the poems made public. I do not feel what 
I was feeling then. For me, writing poems like that are my primary means of expression. I write it and share it on my blog, and that is it. It is released into the internet, into the world, and it is done. It is a release for me, a method of letting go. It does not hurt me to share past hurts. The pain I felt does not hurt me anymore.

I’ve just started reading your book. You call it a collection of poetry. The pieces in the book aren’t poems. They don’t rhyme. How can you call it poetry?
Well, first off, not all poems rhyme. I covered that topic on this blog a year ago….

I call the book a collection of poetry because that is what it is, a collection of poems on different subjects. As far as classifying it as poetry, well, it is your book now. You may label the writings in the book as poetry, prose, whatever you choose. The power of the writer is that he or she writes what is in their heart. Writing it thus releases it into the world. The power of the reader is reading the book, deciding what resonates with them and why, or if at all.

When is your next book coming out?

The only word I have is “soon.” Probably in 2016. As I do everything myself, from editing to cover design, it takes months to get a book the way you want it. Besides, I just published my first book, my first baby. She’s only 5 months old. I want to enjoy her some more before I have my next one.

Thank you to everyone for submitting your questions. I literally could not have done it without you.

I wish you a wonderful, peaceful day.

