For Paris

I was at work when I heard of the attacks in Paris. A person at work told me of the attack. I did not believe the news at first. They told me that over one hundred people were dead. “From what?” I asked, trying to understand what he was saying. Of course, my brain went to thinking it was a mass shooting scenario. But no, that was not the case. “From a terrorist attack,” the man replied. When I arrived home that night, I watched the national news to find out more about what happened. Details were coming in of the attacks. I sat there in stunned silence, trying to understand what I was seeing on the television screen. To this day I still cannot fully understand it. I write this today to express my heartfelt condolences to the families of those who perished in the attacks on Paris last Friday, November 13. For those who survived the attacks, I am grateful you are here to tell your tale. Tell your tale, to everyone who will listen. Your stories give us hope. Your st...