Dark Skies

Dark Skies
(Warning: there are some quotes in this piece with offensive language)

Yesterday, history was made in the United States. For the first time ever, Americans had the chance to cast their vote for a woman President.

Hillary Rodham Clinton was the candidate from the Democratic party. She has served the United States in being First Lady in the state of Arkansas, being the First Lady of the United States, a senator from the state of New York, and as Secretary of State in the Barack Obama Presidential Administration. She is the first woman in history to be the final candidate for the Presidency in any party.

History was also being made on the other side of the U.S.’s two party system. Donald J. Trump was the candidate for President on the Republican side. He has been a real estate mogul, and reality TV show host. He has never held any kind of public office. He has never been a city councilman, mayor, or dog catcher.

I awoke yesterday eager to get to my polling place to vote. I was proud that I had the chance to vote for Hillary Clinton; 
I saw her as the most qualified candidate for the office. More than that, I was excited to cast my vote for a female president. It has been 96 years since women were given the right to vote in the United States. 

The polls were open from 6am to 6pm yesterday in Indiana to allow people to vote. Many voters across the country waited in lines for hours to cast their vote. At my local polling place, I had a brief wait, 5 to 10 minutes at most. When it was my turn I showed the poll workers my driver’s license, as is the law in my state of Indiana. I was given a ballot, and directed to the nearest voting booth.

I entered the booth, and read from a sheet of instructions on the wall in front of me. Once I had read and understood the directions, I took to my ballot. I voted Democrat down the ballot, marking in one small oval with the black pen provided in the voting booth.

I took a moment to note the name on the ballot. There it was, in capital letters: “HILLARY CLINTON.” I wanted to fill in the oval next to her name. However, if I were to do that, I would have negated my ballot. I sighed with contentment, filled out the other side of the ballot, and then put my ballot in the voting machine. I then got a sticker, which said “My Vote My Voice.”

"Election Day Selfie" by Esperanza Habla

I then went home from the polling place and went about my day. 

I worked late yesterday evening, after the polls closed in Indiana. I went home and turned on my television, awaiting election results. I knew that a decision of a winner might be clear until this morning. However, with so much on the line, 
I had to watch.
For me, the choice to vote for Hillary Clinton was clear. For those that are unaware, Donald Trump has run the most hate filled campaign that I have witnessed in my lifetime. 

He has called Mexicans rapists and murderers. He wants Muslims to be entered into a national database and for them to carry papers declaring their faith. He wants to close the borders to the U.S. to all immigrants. He wants to build a wall between Mexico and the U.S. He wants Mexico to pay for building the wall. He wants to close the door to Syrian refugees. He wants to deport 12 million illegal immigrants on his first day of office.

Regarding the LGBTQ population, he is very against the community. He recently held up a rainbow pride flag at a public event, to prove he was pro LGBT; however, he was holding the flag upside down. This showed his true lack of respect for the community. His Vice President, Mike Pence, passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in Indiana, which gave any business the right to discriminate on members of the LGBT community based on your religious beliefs. The law was on the books for 10 days. It cost the state of Indiana $60 million. They have assured America that they are on the same page on this issue.

Mr. Trump’s divisive comments have even extended to those who are not white. There is a current trend in the U.S. called “Alt Right”, which is a code that really means white supremacy.  Many hate groups and white supremacy groups have endorsed Mr. Trump. Trump’s slogan was “Make America Great Again.” To many, that was a desire to set the country decades backwards in race relations and civil rights. 

The troubling truth keeps mounting with Mr. Trump. His record with women is abysmal. He wants to appoint a Supreme Court judge who will overturn Roe vs. Wade, a U.S. court case that allows women to do as they chose with their own bodies when it comes to reproductive decisions. Trump also said that women that have abortions should be criminally punished. He sees women as sexual objects that exist for his pleasure, to with as he chooses.

The following statements are quotes from Mr. Trump, which reflect his views about women….
 “You have to treat them like shit”-1992

“If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”-2006

"You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes…blood coming out of her…..wherever."-referring to Megyn Kelly, reporter on Fox News

“I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it…I did try and fuck her…I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there…when you’re a star, they let you do it…You can do anything…Grab them by the pussy…..”- 2005

In addition to his comments about sexually assaulting women, there are ten women now accusing him of sexual assault. One woman reports she was raped by Donald Trump at age twelve. 

Beyond these lawsuits, there is a current investigation regarding Trump University. Students paid money to attend classes online on how to succeed in real estate. However, reports are that students got nothing in return for their money. Some students paid over $40,000 and got absolutely nothing in return.

I cuddled up on the couch last night, eager and excited to learn the results of the election. However, the more the newscasts continued their coverage, it was becoming abundantly clear that Hillary Clinton would have a lot of ground to cover if she was going to win the Presidency. Eventually the hour got exceedingly late. I knew that the election was on its course and that there would be an outcome, whether I was awake for it or not. I went to bed praying to God for a Hillary Clinton Presidency.

I awoke this morning and read the news on my cellphone. Donald Trump won. “President Trump.” Reading those words almost made me physically sick.

It is a dark day in the history of the United States. History was made, yet not in the way a majority of Americans wanted it to. How could it have gone so wrong? Why didn’t Hillary win the Presidency? 

In reality, Hillary Clinton won the Popular Vote. Americans went to the polls and voted for her, and she won the majority. However, in the U.S., we do not vote for the President. We have an Electoral College which casts our vote for the Presidency. Each state has a number of electors. The electors read the results of votes from their state, and decide how to cast their vote. The first candidate to reach 270 electoral votes wins. Thus Clinton won the popular vote, and Trump won the electoral vote. 

This happened back in the year 2000, when Al Gore was the Democratic candidate for the Presidency. He won the popular vote. However, George Bush won the Electoral vote. Therefore, Bush was President. After last night's results, many are questioning the need for the Electoral College. I am one of those people. 
As to why Hillary Clinton lost the Electoral Vote, it was reported that she lost many African-American and Latino voters. 

Hillary Clinton also failed to capture the millennial voters, Americans aged 18-35. They backed another candidate earlier in the election process, Bernie Sanders. She never got the support that Bernie Sanders had.

Another reason Clinton lost the Presidency is apathy. Let me give you an example. A few days before this election, a friend of mine said that she was not going to vote. I immediately asked her why she decided on this course of action, or inaction, as it turned out. She replied, “I don’t like either candidate. I don’t want to be responsible for either of them getting the Presidency.” While I didn’t like or agree with her point of view, I respected her decision. Yet I knew she was not alone in her thinking. There was so much hatred in this election, so much anger, such incivility, that many in the country became apathetic. This election is proof that every vote matters in an election process. Staying home, choosing not to vote, these options do not count as a vote. Voting counts as a vote.

There is another factor in this election as to why Hillary Clinton did not win the Presidency. It is a factor perhaps larger than the other three factors combined. It has nothing to do with Clinton as a candidate. It has to do with misogyny and sexism. Many women feel that men in the United States are not ready to have a female President. There are many men in the U.S. that would vote for a man rather than a woman. Many would rather vote for a male candidate, no matter their views, no matter their stance on the issues, no matter the hate they spew into the world.

One of the Tweets on Twitter I took away from last evening was written by Patton Oswald. He had this to say…..
"What I've learned so far tonight: America is way more sexist than it is racist. And it's pretty fucking racist."
This is a hard day. It was hard for me to write this piece, to even write his name. For weeks I have not referred to Trump by his name. The phrase “President Trump” almost makes me physically sick.

Many in my workplace today are close to tears. Several of us woke up this morning, heard the news, and chose a black colored outfit to wear, the traditional color of mourning. We are in mourning for the country. We are in mourning that Hillary Clinton did not win the Presidency. We are in mourning that those who truly supported her did not come out and cast their vote. We are saddened, and we are hurt. And we are not alone. 

If you are a woman in the U.S., you lost last night. Mr. Trump will not stand up for you or your reproductive rights. Likewise, if you are a member of the LGBT community, you lost last night. Mr. Trump will try to overturn marriage equality. If you are a person of color, you lost last night. Mr. Trump has not disavowed the hate groups that support him. If you are an immigrant, you lost last night. Mr. Trump wants to deport 12 million immigrants his first day in office. If you are white, male, and racist, congratulations. You won last night. 

America, I hope you’re awake now. A great deal of hatred is headed our way.

I am dreading the next four years. I joked that I will begin watching the nightly news in England to avoid news of the Trump Presidency. But I cannot do that. I cannot ignore what is going on in my own country. We all need to stay informed and remain enlightened. We cannot stop fighting for the issues and causes we believe in.

I eagerly await the year 2020, the next Presidential election in the United States. 2020 is a pivotal year. It marks the 100 year anniversary that women were given the right to vote in the U.S. Perhaps that will be the year that a woman finally shatters the glass ceiling of the Presidency.

To Hillary Clinton, thank you for your candidacy. Thank you for bringing us to a historic milestone in this country.

To the women of the United States, we are grossly underrepresented in the governing bodies of our country. If you have the desire, the time, the inclination, I would urge you to volunteer in your local political process. Consider running for office. We cannot be a part of the decision making that happens in this country without having a place at the table.

Stay strong America. The storm will pass. These dark skies will soon brighten. The sun will shine again. We will see a female President. It will happen. Believe it.

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