The Lenten Moon

For third installment of the "Moons of the Year" series, I offer the following-"The Lenten Moon"

Tomorrow's full moon is known as the Lenten Moon. In the Christian faith, Lent is the 40 day time period before Easter Sunday. 

The full moon of the month of March is also known as the Worm Moon. As unappealing as this moniker is, the nickname for this moon is all about the coming of spring. The temperatures climb, the winter ground begins to thaw, and the creatures under the ground begin to awaken and submerge from their earthly homes.

The moon of March has two other names as well:
·         the Crow Moon: when the crow begins to caw, this signalizes the end of winter.

·         the Sap Moon: this is the time of year when farmers begin tapping maple trees for their sap.

In my research on the Lent Moon it has been described as the last moon of winter. Conversely, it has also been described as the first moon of spring. The seasons are changing, the days are filling with daylight, and the flowers are beginning to bloom.

Writer Robert McDowell wrote about the full moon of March on his blog for the Moon Circles website:

“… this Moon arrives between the seasons. As snows melt and chlorophyll rushes up to green the grass, earthworm castings begin to appear everywhere; this draws the robins, the plump and friendliest of backyard birds. It’s a time for leaping forward and for clearing any remaining cobwebs, for releasing what doesn’t serve your future growth….Take note of where you are in your Full Moon transition dance. Are you preparing the ground? Or are you still in need of rest and rejuvenation? Maybe you’re fully into the great awakening, already leaning forward with new purpose. Be grateful for the authenticity and perfection of your process. You’re in exactly the right place for you now. You’ve endured a long winter of chill air and slowed activity. Perhaps you’ve discovered new ways to be more patient with yourself, to be kinder too. If you’ve been desiring a breakthrough, but haven’t received it yet, it could be just around the corner.”

Although we have had a mild winter where I live, I greatly look forward to Spring, the warmer months, days with added daylight, and warmer temperatures. May the Lenten moon bring you pleasant days, sunny skies, inspiration and purpose.

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