Until This Morning

This morning, in the wee hours of the morning, I had a cat join me on my bed. This is a common occurrence in my home. As the owner of two cats, this happens often in the early morning. There is a familiar thump on the bed that lets me know that a cat has joined me. This is then followed by a series of movements, including walking the length of the bed, or lying down in a spot close to me. . Most of the time, it is my orange tabby cat Jazz that joins me on the bed. She sometimes sniffs my nose, which is a form of kiss in the cat world, and finds a spot to lie down on the bed. Quite often she jumps up on the bed, and then makes a huge leap to the other side of the bed, jostling me out of my slumber. "Jazz the Cat" by Esperanza Habla However, I noticed a difference this morning. There had been a jump onto the bed, followed by complete stillness. I opened my eyes a bit to confirm what I already knew. It was not Jazz on the bed; instead, it was my black c...