The Fifth Book

Hello everyone, it is my pleasure to announce that I have published my fifth book, "El Panorama."

It is the Spanish language version of my second book of poetry, “The Bigger Picture.”

Now that I have published several books in both Spanish and English, I thought I would share a wonderful story with you.

I have a family member who has a friend that is from Nicaragua and is now a citizen of the United States. Spanish is her native language; she can converse in English and can understand it when spoken. However, she found that she needed practice reading in English.

When my family member learned of her friend's desire to learn to read in English, she gave her friend copies of my first two books in both Spanish and English. Reading both versions of the books helped her learn the language at a faster pace. 

In publishing my books, I thought publishing in two languages would be a way to reach a larger number of readers, in each language. However, I have to confess that I had never dreamed of using my books of poetry as a learning tool to learn a new language. 

I was deeply moved at hearing this story. Every writer wants to write something important, to share their thoughts and writing with others. That said, I never dreamed that my words could have such a personal impact, and that I could help another person learn another language. That is a phenomenal gift to know that something I have created could have such a positive impact.

If you are a Spanish speaker that is interested in learning English, reading the language is a wonderful way to start. My first two books are published in both languages….

“I am Hope”

"The Bigger Picture"

All of my books are available for purchase on Amazon:

To my family member, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing my books with your friend. To the friend that received the books, thank you for allowing me to help you learn English. To say that it is an honor would be an understatement. To you the reader, thank you for your continued support in helping my dream of being a published author come true.
