Black New Super Moon

There is a unique celestial event happening tonight: a Black New Super Moon. What is a black moon you might ask? It is not a moon honoring Harry Potter’s godfather, Sirius Black. Today is J.K. Rowling’s birthday, and Harry Potter’s birthday as well. Happy Birthday Harry and J.K.! A “black moon” is when there is a second “new moon” of the month; it is a rare occurrence, happening only every 32 months. A “super moon” is when the moon is closer to the Earth, making the moon appear larger in size, and often brighter. It happens every 12 or 13 moons. A “new moon” is defined as: "the first lunar phase, when the sun and moon are aligned and the sun and the earth are on opposite sides of the moon." image source: In researching a black moon, the phenomenon will not be visible at night: “During t...