Black New Super Moon

There is a unique celestial event happening tonight: a Black New Super Moon.

What is a black moon you might ask? It is not a moon honoring Harry Potter’s godfather, Sirius Black. Today is J.K. Rowling’s birthday, and Harry Potter’s birthday as well. Happy Birthday Harry and J.K.!

A “black moon” is when there is a second “new moon” of the month; it is a rare occurrence, happening only every 32 months.

A “super moon” is when the moon is closer to the Earth, making the moon appear larger in size, and often brighter. It happens every 12 or 13 moons.

A “new moon” is defined as: "the first lunar phase, when the sun and moon are aligned and the sun and the earth are on opposite sides of the moon."

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In researching a black moon, the phenomenon will not be visible at night:
“During the new Moon phase, the Moon is not illuminated by the Sun and seems to disappear from the night sky. A new Moon is practically invisible to the naked eye, so there’s nothing to see during a so-called Black Moon.

Does a black moon have any special meaning? Writer Simone Matthews offers this thought on the black moon:
“A BLACK NEW MOON is an auspicious moon that amplifies your intentions & inner-most heartfelt desires for the cycle – a powerful New Moon for alchemy and creative manifestation.”

I found this information from the Astro Awakenings website:
“Black moons are relatively rare but precious, events which augur the birth of a significant new life cycle. Considerably more potent than your ‘average’ new moon, this cycle is a defining one in terms of our future direction and the change it augurs in our lives….If we are thirsty for change in our life, eager to discard old and tired ways to make room for new life, a black moon is our unfailing ally, providing the impetus and focus to embrace and bring about effective and long-lasting change. If, on the other hand, we fear unavoidable change, this moon holds our hand and places iron in our soul, assuring us we have what it takes to navigate difficult terrain ahead and find, in due course, more solid and fertile ground. Either way, a black moon is to be honoured, respected and embraced for the bountiful gifts and opportunities it brings.”
While it won’t be visible to the eye in the nighttime sky, the rarity of the Black New Super Moon must be shared and known. 

Find meaning in the moment, some symbolism that will help you in your life to complete a goal, or perhaps broaden your horizons. 

Do something you've always wanted to do. Take up a new hobby. Take a cooking class. Learn a new language. Donate your time to an organization you believe in. Volunteer at your local animal shelter. Knit sleeping mats for the homeless population in your area. Start a new chapter of your life. Make a change that needs to be made in your life.

The possibilities are endless, and entirely up to you.

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