My Happy Place

My Happy Place-a Letter to the Moon Hello Luna, how are you? Long time no see! Only kidding, I saw you the other night, shining in all your brilliance. You looked great, Luna. It was great to see you. So much has happened since the last time we spoke. The global pandemic that I wrote you about is only getting worse. We are seeing over 100,000 new cases daily. In my home state, we're averaging 5,500 cases daily. We have also had days with over 8,000 new cases! Those numbers are obscene! Back when we were in lock down in March, April and May, we had about 400 new cases daily. I don't know why we aren't in lock down. Personally, I feel like a canary in a coal mine, being out in the workplace. It is not a question of "if" someone will contract the virus, it's a question of "when." Either a co-worker will get it and transmit it to me, or I will get it and transmit it to a coworker. My prayer is that it doesn't kill anyone when it comes. Talks of va...