COVID week 7

Keep On Keeping On

Hello there friend, how are you? I hope you are home and safe and doing well. I am writing on week 7 of the COVID crisis, day 49 of sheltering in place. I feel quite safe at home in quarantine, and have not ventured out for groceries in more than a week. I did take some trash and recycling out this week; it felt good to be out in the fresh air and sunshine.

As for life at home, I have had a productive week. I have continued my project of saving photographs and documents to my tablet. I have made a great progress, and am about 90% done. It gives me such a peace of mind to know that my photos and documents are saved.

I also had some time to write some reviews for my movie review blog. I have watched tons of content in these seven weeks, but, ironically, very few movies. I finally had time to write reviews for movies I had seen before quarantine, as well as three or four I have watched in this time. The reviews can be found here:

Looking to the future, things will be changing quickly. Indiana will begin to open again on Monday May 4. Businesses that open will operate at limited capacity. Social distancing measures will need to be in place, and face masks are to be worn in public.

While the majority of the state will be opening this coming Monday, Indianapolis will not. It is the largest populated area in Indiana and is the epicenter of the virus. We have been given a shelter in place order through May 15.

I feel trepidation about the states opening. I think it is premature to open businesses and public places. The virus is still out there, and is just as contagious as it was when we went into quarantine. That being said, I do feel safe about going back to my library. My employer is doing everything in their power to keep staff safe.

When we do venture out of our homes in the future, we will have to adapt to a new normal. We will also have to be vigilant in practicing social distancing, wearing face masks, and limiting numbers in gatherings.

The challenges we face while in quarantine will accompany us as we venture the comfort and safety of our homes. Anxiety, uncertainty and fear of the unknown can happen. It will be imperative that we continue our self care practices.

Going forward will not be easy. But, none of this has been easy. Pandemics aren’t easy. For most of us on the planet, we have never experienced anything like this before. 

Be an advocate for our own mental and physical health. Go at your own pace. Do what makes sense for you and your family.

Whatever the future holds, we’ll get through it together. I leave you now with some images of humor and hope, and some uplifting music.

Take care my friend,

A song for when we're safely able to be together again:
