Eternally Grateful

Hello friend, How are you? How are things? How are things in your corner of the world? Things are fine in for me. I have been working a great deal on my next book, “A Part of History.” I have ordered an advance copy, and am scouring through it now. I hope to have it in the coming weeks. Also of note, I created a book trailer for the book! I’m so pleased with how it turned out. The other project I’m working on is archiving all my work. A few years ago, I began putting my writings in documents on my computer. To my surprise, the writings in my next book were the farthest I had done! I began saving my work. I needed to get busy! “A Part of History” contains all my writings from the year 2016. From here on out, each book will contain a calendar year of writing. I have now created documents for my 2017 and 2018 poetry and prose. It suddenly occurred to me, while working on this new project, what a massive undertaking this is. I’ve been a writer for 12 years! My upcoming book will ...