Year of the Dragon

Another year has come and gone, much to my delight. I feel different this year. I feel recharged and renewed, as if the slate has been wiped clean. We all get a fresh new start. In reading about this new year, I’ve found some fascinating things.

Nine years ago, I wrote about Chinese New Year, also referred to as Lunar New Year. Every year has an animal assigned to it, according to the Chinese zodiac.

Since writing about Lunar New Year, I’ve paid special attention to the animals of the years, noting the different animals and their meaning. I’ve also researched how the animal of the year of my birth related to the animal of the new year, to learn what a coming year might have in store. Last year was the year of the Rabbit. The animal for this Lunar New Year is the Dragon.

In doing research on the year of the dragon, I learned that it should prove to be a successful year. The website Chinese Zodiac wrote: 

“The Dragon is a powerful and auspicious creature in Chinese mythology, representing courage, creativity, and innovation. 2024 promises to be a year full of possibilities and opportunities.”

In reference to the dragon of this year, the website Style wrote about the meaning and mythology of the dragon:

“The Dragon symbolises power, nobleness, honour, luck and success ‘in traditional Chinese culture. The Dragon is a supernatural being with no parallel for talent and excellence.” 

To my surprise, in my research, I learned that there are different types of dragons in the Chinese Zodiac! The different types of dragons are elemental: Wood, Fire, Metal, Earth, and Water.

The year 2024 is the year of the Wood Dragon. The website Astro Style writes about the special attributes of this year:

“Wood years—which are all years that end in a 4 or a 5—mark periods of accelerated growth. Need a visual? Picture a sapling pushing through the soil and rising toward the sky to become a towering tree. Spring is the season associated with wood, which makes 2024 a time for renewal, change and rebirth.”

The site continued to list themes of the coming year:

“Here are some of the themes we can expect to rise up during the 2024 year of the Chinese zodiac Wood Dragon (the last was in 1964!)

Power and authority. The powerful and authoritative Wood Dragon can incite shifts in leadership, both on a global scale and within our micro-communities.

Innovation. The forward-thinking Wood Dragon embraces change, pursuing new ideas that push past the boundaries of convention.

Drama and dynamism. What’s more dramatic—and dynamic—than a fire-breathing dragon? Life can imitate a Broadway theater production this year.

Risk and reward. The daredevil energy of Aries shows up during a Dragon year with an atmosphere of risk-taking.

Ambition. Type A people thrive in the Year of the Wood Dragon as does anyone who has a passion.

Transformation and renewal. 2024 is a year when complete renewal is possible. We may burn away old habits and transform every aspect of our lives down to the ground level.

Birth rate boom. Dragon Years are known to be bountiful times for babies!

Global movements. Dragon years can be marked by significant global events, movements or shifts in geopolitical dynamics. These years may see major advancements in international relations, trade and diplomacy.

Dragon years are festive times that remind us to live for the moment and soak up new experiences while we still can. Joy is the great unifier in 2024—and we could all use a dose of this uplifting energy after the heavy pandemic years.”

As I researched about the year, I began to wonder about the personality traits of people born in dragon years. The website China Travel Guide offers insight into this:

“Among the twelve Chinese zodiac signs, only the Dragon is mythical. It is an imaginary creature that combines the features of some other animals. There are many legends about this animal, and it is also regarded as the most auspicious sign. Chinese people believe they are the descendants of the Dragon. People with Chinese zodiac Dragon has personality traits as mysterious, imaginative and noble.”

If you’re curious to learn the animal of the year of your birth, this website has an informative chart which shows dates and animals from the last century, and into the future:

As I read more about this year, I wondered how the animal from the year of my birth year, would relate to the dragon. For those answers, I went to the Times of India website, which has information for every animal. The site also lists information for people born in dragon years:

In continuing my research, found the Moon Omens website. They have a yearly horoscope for every astrological sign:

They also wrote on the year of the dragon: 

"In this year more than any other, the dragon’s influence is felt in the stirring of the soul’s ambitions and the awakening of the heart’s desires. It is a time when the unseen forces that guide fate and fortune align more closely with our earthly endeavors, offering a rare opportunity for significant breakthroughs and achievements. The Year of the Dragon is not merely a period to pass through; it is a portal to the extraordinary, beckoning those with the courage to step through."

There are also predictions about the 2024 in terms of numerology. When added together, 2 + 0 + 2 +4, they equal 8. Apparently in numerology, this is a pivotal time. The website Parade wrote about the phenomenon:

“The number eight is considered a good omen, the rainbow after a storm, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. Experts agree that while there will still be plenty of challenges in the coming year, 2024 is a year of hope, growth, expansion, prosperity, and success. It's time to embrace a new outlook on life and trust that your experiences can help carry you through the unknown toward a greater calling.”'8%20Year'%20Full%20of,good%20fortune%20and%20spiritual%20alignment.&text=As%20the%20clock%20ticks%20towards,new%20cosmic%20energy%20is%20emerging.

The magazine Cosmopolitan wrote on the numerology of the year 2024:
“Get ready to catch your blessings, because here they come. As an 8 Universal Year Number, 2024 is full of themes around expansion, financial wealth, and embodying strength. This is the year to own that main character energy and not be shy about it. Here are a few keywords connected to the 8 energy: Leadership, power, karma, and infinity.”

With all of this news on the Lunar New Year, I eagerly await the blessings and opportunities to come. Welcome Wood Dragon. I look forward to working with you. Namaste.
