
There is a concept I have been thinking about a lot lately- the concept of peace. Anyone that knows me can tell you that I have always identified with the “hippie movement”, the culture and social change in America in the 1960s and 1970s, the music of that period, tie-dye, peace symbols, concepts of peace and love, psychedelic designs, bohemian colors.

In high school and college, I was often found wearing a tie-dye shirt or wearing a peace symbol medallion. For years I have drawn a peace symbol in my written correspondence, just after my name. It has become a signature. A co-worker joked with me once, “If I see a note with your name, and there is no peace symbol drawn on it, I know it is a forgery.” Recently, I wore a scarf with peace symbols on it to a work function. A co-worker noticed the scarf and said, “Oh look, it has ‘hope signs’ on it.” She had not meant to call them hope signs. But I loved it.

The symbol we have come to know as a symbol of peace is very much a sign of hope. It is meant to represent the foot of the dove, another symbol of peace. It has always been a very powerful symbol for me.

One type of peace is an outward peace, or a global peace. People are fighting in armies and militias every day, in causes and campaigns all around the world. Maybe there is a religious issue at hand, a land dispute, an oppressive government. Whatever the reason for conflict, each side believes they are right. As a result, blood of the “guilty” and “innocent” fill the streets. Gunmen open fire in schools full of children. Chaos reigns. It is beyond our control.

Thankfully, what is in our control is inner peace, the peace within us. This can be somewhat of an amorphous concept for us. We can’t see it, taste it, or touch it. We don’t know how to describe or define it. For me, peace is a multi-layered concept, much like the petals of a lotus flower. Serenity, compassion, empathy, acceptance, tolerance, and love are all found in peace. 

Though bountiful, peace can be elusive. Sometimes it is found in tending a garden. In a moment of prayer. In meditation. Listening to your favorite music. Watching your favorite movie. Spending time with the ones you love. Relaxing in a bath. Reading a book.

The next time you see a peace symbol, a sign of hope, take a moment and pause. How do you define peace? Where do you find it? No matter where you find it, how you define it, I hope you find peace today. 
The world needs it. And so do we.

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"Hope Sign" by Esperanza Habla
