Glorious Sky

I wander through the moment looking down, watching my feet as I walk.

Something within me shifts. I feel guided from above.

"Look up you fool! You are missing it! Look up!!!!" I hear a voice say. I do as I am guided. I look up.

 There before my eyes, the most wondrous sky I have ever seen. Such a vivid hue of cobalt blue. A sky so blue you could get lost in it.

The sky is truly amazing. It looks animated. No, not animated. Painted. It is clear the great artist used the most vibrant blue in their palette. Three dimensional whimsical white clouds dot the skyscape, completing the scene.

I would love to sit in the grass, lay in the grass, and look at the sky, watch the sky go by, and lose myself in that glorious sky.

Avebury, England 1997

Poem and photo © Esperanza Habla All Rights Reserved
