Birthday Moon

Birthday Moon-a Letter to the Moon

Hello Luna my dear friend. Thank you so much for coming to visit me on my birthday. It was sweet of you to come.

I saw on the news that you had an eclipse the other day. That is right, you made the news! Unfortunately there was an abundance of clouds that night and I was unable to witness the eclipse myself. I saw some photos of your lunar event. In fact, one of my online friends took some photos of you. You looked truly breathtaking….

courtesy of Martin Bustos, photographer

I was elated to see you the next night, shining in all of your glory. I was able to take some photos of you that night. I even captured your mask again. I hope you like them…

I remember seeing you that night; I can see you in my mind’s eye. 

I wonder, Luna, if you know the comfort your light brings. When I look at you, I am home.

It was so good to see you Luna. Thank you for coming, for illuminating the midnight sky. 

What a truly wondrous gift-a birthday moon.

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