Dear Luna March 2019

Dear Luna,
      Hello! How have you been my friend? I hope you have been well. 

      I saw your super moons the past two months-you looked incredible! With your lunar eclipse in January as well, it was truly a sight. I was discouraged that as you went into your eclipse phase, you were directly over my house! It made it hard to get a picture of you! I tried to catch a good image of you, on my phone and on my camera, but I could not. Still, it is an event I will remember.

      How are things in your corner of the sky? Things have been good for me. I am still working in the library, 26 years now! I am working on my next book, "The Written Word." I think I have the interior of the book done; now I have to focus on cover design and a book trailer for YouTube.

     I am sorry I have not written in a long time. Writing has been hard for me of late. I have been working on the same piece for over a month now. I'm clearly not finished with it, as I keep going back to it. It has morphed about 5 times in that time frame. You would think that with substantial change, words in the piece wouldn't even be the same.

     There are times when I need to write to express myself. However there are times when I need to write because of the world around me, the world at large. The piece I have been working on is about the world, the social climate that is the United States at this time. The piece is about where we are as a country, as a people. It’s about what we as a people can do to bring about change.

      I can tell when it's too soon for me to write; my thoughts jumble, as my brain runs at a speed faster than my fingers can type. My fingers trip over themselves as I’m trying to write.

      It's a weird thing to describe. It's as if my vision is blocked by a curtain, standing between me and a clear view of what is going on. It's almost as when a storm enters the atmosphere, darkening the skies, limiting visibility. When the storm hits, my thoughts swirl around me in a maelstrom of activity. I am powerless to write until the storm leaves and my thoughts fall into alignment. Even then, sometimes, the piece is not ready yet. I sit down to write, and it's as if the computer keys are red hot. I cannot touch the keys, let alone write anything.

     I think enough time has passed that I can write what I need to write, to say what I need to say. I tell you Luna, this experience has thrown me for a loop. I could not write to express what was going on for the life of me. This has rarely happened to me. When it has happened, it has never gone on for this length of time.

     What’s different about this piece? Why am I blocked on it? I suppose that the subject of the piece affected me so profoundly that I couldn't write about it yet. And, though it's a cliché, it’s true: this time it’s personal.

      There is so much to say, so much to discuss. Where do you start? When you're so affected by what you're writing, when it hits you on a personal level, where do you start?

     Of course, you start at the beginning. When there’s so much ground to cover, I need to take my time, to make sure everything is expressed properly. I do not want to be misunderstood.

        Thank you for letting me vent, Luna. I think I'll be completing my writing in the coming days. I’ll be posting it soon. Until then, my work continues. Wish me luck.

Stay tuned Luna love. 

      Take care,


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