
I have been thinking a lot lately about the concept of forgiveness. I have heard many quotes about forgiveness. People always say, “Forgive and forget”. “Be quick to forgive”. “To err is human; to forgive, divine”.

There are many symbols of forgiveness around the world, including the chalice, the dove, the olive branch, a candle, the Christian cross. My favorite symbol of forgiveness is the feather.

Have you ever looked at a feather? Really looked at a feather? There are so many intricacies and complexities in a single feather-the stem, the veins, the texture, the size and shape, the many hues of color. To me, the feather is the perfect symbol of forgiveness. As many complexities there are in a single feather, there are that many complexities to forgiveness.

The act of forgiveness is easier said than done. I am reminded of a quote I heard recently from C. S. Lewis: “Everyone says forgiveness is a lovely idea, until they have something to forgive.” In our lives we all have hurts, have pain, have been devastated by someone, maybe even violated by someone. I believe that the deeper the hurt, the longer the process of forgiveness takes.

Forgiveness is especially hard when the person has not shown any remorse for their behavior, have not apologized for their actions, when we feel they do not deserve to be forgiven. However, we need to think of ourselves also, not just the person who wronged us. We need to choose to forgive ourselves as well, for letting that person hurt us.

When someone hurts us, causes us pain, takes advantage of us, we have a choice to forgive. We have a choice to let go and move on. We have a choice to forgive the person that has hurt us. We also have the choice to forgive the deeds that were done to us. We can forgive the person who hurt us and not what they did. Likewise we can forgive what that person did to us and never forgive them.

The act of forgiveness is often seen as excusing the behavior of the person who wronged you or hurt you. In reality, forgiveness is really a gift to yourself. You’re letting go of the pain, the hurt, moving on, and obtaining peace.

The act of forgiveness is a choice. It takes time to heal. You’re going to feel how you feel until you stop feeling that way. You can’t rush it, you can’t hurry it along, you can’t ignore it. Be open to the choice of forgiveness, be it for the person or what they did to you.

Be open to forgiveness. It is never easy. Take control of the situation and when you are ready, choose to forgive that person for all that they did to you. Or, choose to forgive their actions. Pray that they learn the lessons they need to learn. And, most importantly, forgive yourself for letting a person you truly cared about hurt you so deeply.

Relax. Breathe. Forgive.
