Lessons from the Year 2018

The year 2018 has been unique to say the least. Watching a recent year in review piece on the news was quite troubling. So many horrific things happened in the past year in the United States-gun massacres, massive wildfires, devastating hurricanes, terrorist attacks, to mention but a few. I began my first blog, the words of Hope, donning the pen name Esperanza Habla, which means “Hope Speaks” in Spanish. When I refer to myself as my pen name, I always say, “I’m Hope Speaks, and I have a lot to say.” The gift of writing, and of having an audience, is not something I take for granted. It is not something I take lightly either. I have not written as many pieces this year, in comparison to years gone by. I have not written the normal, the mundane, the banal. I wrote instead about things that I have been compelled to say-the substantial, the crucial, the moral imperative. The majority of things I have written and shared this year have taken me months to complete. To have an ou...