Holiday Moon -a Letter to the Moon

Luna! So good to see you again! Thank you for visiting me a few weeks ago. I remember I had just gone to bed, and my bedroom was flooded with light. I instantly knew it was you. I looked out my window, and there you were. Thank you for coming to my bedroom window that night. 

It is so good to see you again. I have missed you the last few weeks. I saw you in the sky last night, almost full. It is so good to see your light in the dark winter sky.

How have you been? I have been fine. This is truly my favorite time of year, preparing for and enjoying the holidays. 
I love buying presents for my loved ones, and making my famous chocolate covered pretzels for friends and family to enjoy. I love to stay home, cuddle on the couch with my kittens, enjoy a cup of hot chocolate, and watch my favorite holiday movies.

The world is so beautiful during the holidays. Gorgeous snowscapes in the forests, colorful window displays in the cities, fancily wrapped presents with bags and bows, angels and people made of snow, harmonious Christmas songs-both secular and scared-to sing along with, brightly colored Christmas lights that warm the chill of darkness of winter.

Do you have any plans for the holidays? Are you getting together with your brother the sun? I will be spending time with my family over the holidays. My family is so scattered, it seems the only time we can get together is in the holidays. But that just makes the time we do spend together that much sweeter. We gather as a family, go to church services on Christmas Eve, and share delicious holiday treats (like my pretzels!) Unfortunately, madcap card games and football on television will make an appearance at the holidays. But I will not let those spoil my holiday. Maybe we can squeeze in a trivia game, or a movie night. That would make the holiday fun.

I envy your vantage point; you can see all the beauty of the world has to offer during the holidays. Yet, you can also see the pain and suffering, stress, depression and bitterness that sometimes accompany the holidays. We often forget that the holidays are a time to gather together, to wish everyone love and light and peace on Earth. Help us to remember this when we see your light.
I will leave you now with one of my favorite new Christmas songs. This song came out last year; it speaks about the wonders of the season and the joys of gathering together for the holidays. 

Luna, my dear friend, I wish you a wondrous holiday season full of joy, love, light, laughter and peace.

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