Lessons from the year 2014
Another year has come to an end. I have accomplished so much this year. Not everything I wanted to accomplish, yet still a great deal. I got the electronic version of my first book, “I am Hope”, published. It was a monumental accomplishment. I am proud that I was able to achieve my goal. In the New Year I will soon publish the print version of the book. While I wanted it to get done this year, I know everything will happen it is own time. As I look forward to all that the New Year brings, I cannot help but look back on the year that has been. I have learned much from this last year. Here is some of what I have learned….. *Purging your house of unwanted and unneeded items cleanses your environment as well as your spirit. http://letrasalaluna.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-purging.html *I never want to have another thirty year winter storm in my lifetime. http://letrasalaluna.blogspot.com/2014/01/ion.html *I must be patient until my muse shows up. http://letrasala