Infinite Possibilities

I have been thinking of late about writers, and what their role is. Also, what their talents are, or powers. Many people who are performers are writers. Every movement on stage has been written. Every note that is sung has been written. Every word in a soliloquy has been written.

I have also been thinking about writers who write poems, books, stories. I recently discovered, or realized, that writers have the keys to the universe. We can make anything happen. There are infinite possibilities.

We can create a universe. We can resurrect ancient Babylonians. We can make a fish fly, a bird swim. We can make a rainbow laugh, a mountain weep. We can make it rain upside down. We can make it snow. We can have that last conversation with our loved one in heaven. We can make the invisible visible. We can make the moon sing.

Some might think that this makes writers godlike. I don’t believe that. I believe that the imagination is our creative toolbox, a treasure chest holding everything we might ever need. The only limits to our creativity are the limits of our imagination.

I am currently in the middle of writing my own novel. It makes me wonder what other stories I have to tell. When I am ready, I will go to my treasure chest, see what marvelous things I find there. There are infinite possibilities.

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